Congratulations! Be sure to watch this quick training video.

(Please check your email in 10-15 minutes for your copy of the Blueprint)


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]Beyond Wishing & Hoping - 5 Figure Months - Coaches On Fire - Pam Sterling[/text_block]
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How To Consistently Create 5 Figure Months In Your Coaching Business


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What is it you want to do in your coaching business this year?


  • Automate your marketing and bring your perfect clients to your doorstep? I’ll show you how.
  • Create your Signature Client Transformation System? I’ll show you how.
  • Enroll more clients at higher prices? I’ll show you how.
  • Position yourself as the go-to authority in your niche? I’ll show you how.
  • Build a tribe of raving fans? I’ll show you how.
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“Watched the webinar and it is incredibly detailed and specific, some real gold nuggets there. Definitely now a raving fan and look forward to your future work. ” ~ Lewis, Australia




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Time Is Of The Essence




Presenter: Pam Sterling

Founder, Coaches On Fire

I believe that nothing should stand between you and making your difference in the world.  So I’ve made it my obsession to do everything I can think of to remove the roadblocks to your success and equip you with the skills, strategies, step-by-step instructions and support you need to build an on-fire, thriving, ever-increasing five-figure a month coaching business, so that you can have the kind of impact and freedom you desire, while doing the very thing you love most – being involved in the transformation of people’s lives.